Kathmandu Living Labs: Contribution to Change 2017

MoU with Nepal Red Cross Society Kaski

Memorandum of Understanding signed between Nepal Red Cross Society Kaski and KLL to work closely in the field of disaster response & resilience building of Pokhara & Kaski.

6 | JAN

Official ISO Partner of CS:MAP project

23 | JAN

Presentation at SatSummit in Washington DC

2C Pokhara Project Manager Gaurav Thapa was a panelist at the Satellite Summit held in Washington D.C. He presented about 2C Pokhara project and our collaborative approach.

31 | JAN

Publication of The Map Book: Pokhara Sub-Metropolitan City

The first edition of The Map Book in collaboration with Pokhara Sub-metropolitan City was published. ‘The Map Book’ utilized all data collected and uploaded to OpenStreetMap through the Secondary Cities project. It is an atlas containing 22 maps under 11 thematic areas.

21 | FEB

Open Data Day 2017

In partnership with Open Knowledge Nepal and Gandaki College of Engineering and Science, Open Data Day 2017 was organized in Pokhara. The theme of the event was ‘Open access research for students’ and over 100 students participated.

4 | MAR

Karnali Open Mapping Project: Bringing OSM to flood prone communities of western Nepal

Kathmandu Living Labs with support from International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA) and Practical Action (PA) conducted three events to aid the mapping activities of flood prone communities in March 2017. Field Mapping using OSM of Gulariya, Ashapur and Surajpur in Bardiya was conducted.

29 | MAR

MoU with Research Management Unit of Paschimanchal Campus

A year-long partnership was agreed upon by KLL and Research Management Unit of Pashimanchal Campus. According to the partnership KLL as part of its 2C Pokhara project will help nurture students in the field of geomatics and disaster management.

6 | APR

Open Mapping and Civic Learning Course

15 high school students from Kasthamandap Vidhyalaya were taught how to use Open Mapping as a tool to learn and act on problems in their local communities. In addition to mapping, the course intended to develop students' sense of responsibilities as active citizens.

5-24 | APR

Community Asset Mapping for Business Students

12 undergraduate students from King’s College learnt how Open Mapping can be used as a lens to study rural business and economy. Students were trained on Open Mapping hands-on skills for four days and then sent to a rural setting in central Nepal to map different assets in the rural community.


Public launch of PreparePokhara Mobile App

An android application that displays critical infrastructure of Pokhara Lekhnath Metropolitan and allows users to edit secondary attributes of these infrastructures in a simplified tabular format was release on Google Play Store.

Public launch of PreparePokhara Web App

A web application launched by KLL has been spearheading the ground effort to produce robust geospatial data for Pokhara for the past one and a half years. It is hoped that the critical infrastructure information made open here plays an integral part in keeping both yourself and your neighbors safe.

23 | JUN

Community-led Mapping of Ward 14, Pokhara Lekhnath Metropolitan

On July 7, KLL facilitated a 4-hour workshop to instruct community members and officials on how to download and use OSM and Kobo Toolbox. The workshop was attended by ward 14 community members and officials. KLL recruited a total of 9 volunteers located in 9 different toles (neighborhoods) of ward 14. Over the course of 3 weeks, volunteers collected both community and field mapping data. Surveys were deployed in both Nepali and English languages. A large map that includes all the geographical data collected has been placed outside the office.

7 | JUL

Completion of Digital Internship and Leadership Programme.

Nine students from various backgrounds graduated from the first ever digital internship programme conducted by KLL. The programme lasted for two months and required students to map their neighbourhoods and flood affected plains of Nepal.


2C Denpasar Mapping Workshop

Gaurav Thapa and Manoj Thapa from KLL gave a workshop to 22 locals of Bali, Indonesia on how to use OSM and map their local communities. Denpasar, Bali, is one of the fastest growing urban areas in the world and has a real hunger for geospatial data. The establishment of OSM Bali Mapping Community should help satiate this hunger.


State of the Map Asia 2017

KLL hosted the third annual SotM Asia conference in Nepal. The conference brought together about 175 Open Mapping enthusiasts from 16 countries in Asia, two countries in North America and two countries in Europe. The event provided an opportunity to share experience, learn from each other and collectively think about the future development of OSM in Asia.

23-24 | SEP

MoU with GIScience Research Group/Heidelberg Institute for Geoinformation Technology

Memorandum of Understanding between GIScience Research Group/Heidelberg Institute for Geoinformation Technology (HeiGIT) and Kathmandu Living Labs


OSM Geography Awareness Week

KLL hosted three simultaneous events this year to mark OSM Geography Awareness Week. An event mapping forest of Kaski District was hosted in KLL’s office in Pokhara, Nepal. An event bringing together private organizations and entrepreneurs were held in Kathmandu and an open house mapathon for OSM Community was held in KLL’s office in Kathmandu. Overall, more than sixty people learned and subsequently mapped Nepal.



Nilkantha Mobile

Nilkantha Website

Sajha Sabha Mobile

Sajha Sabha Web

Open Data Portal